Module Sdl.RWops

module RWops: sig .. end

type t = Sdlrwops.t 
val from_mem : bytes -> t
val from_const_mem : string -> t
val from_file : filename:string -> mode:string -> t
type input = [ `Buffer of bytes | `Filename of string | `String of string ] 
val from_input : [< `Buffer of bytes | `Filename of string | `String of string ] ->
val from_input_opt : [> `Buffer of bytes | `Filename of string | `String of string ] ->
t option
val alloc : unit -> t
val free : t -> unit
val close : t -> unit
val size : t -> int64
type seek = = 
val seek : t -> offset:int64 -> seek -> int64
val tell : t -> int64
type uint8 = int 
type uint16 = int 
type uint32 = int32 
type uint64 = int64 
val readU8 : t -> uint8
val writeU8 : t -> uint8 -> unit
module BigEndian: Sdlrwops.BigEndian
module LittleEndian: Sdlrwops.LittleEndian