Module SFImage

module SFImage: sig .. end

Online documentation for the Image class

type t 
val createFromFile : filename:string -> t
val createFromColor : width:int -> height:int -> color:SFColor.t -> t
val createFromMemory : data:bytes -> t
val createFromPixels : width:int -> height:int -> data:bytes -> t
val createFromPixelsArray : pixels:(int * int * int * int) array array -> t
type input = [ `Color of int * int * SFColor.t
| `Filename of string
| `Memory of bytes
| `Pixels of int * int * bytes
| `PixelsArray of (int * int * int * int) array array ]
val create : input -> t
val getWidth : image:t -> int
val getHeight : image:t -> int
val getSize : image:t -> int * int
type gl_image = (int, Stdlib.Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Stdlib.Bigarray.c_layout)

the same type defined in glMLite

val getPixelsBA : image:t -> gl_image
val getPixelsStr : image:t -> string
val getPixel4 : image:t -> x:int -> y:int -> SFColor.t
val getPixel3 : image:t -> x:int -> y:int -> SFColor.t
val getPixelRGB : image:t -> x:int -> y:int -> SFColor.rgb
val getPixelRGBA : image:t -> x:int -> y:int -> SFColor.rgba
val saveToFile : image:t -> filename:string -> unit
val setPixel : image:t -> x:int -> y:int -> color:SFColor.t -> unit
val createMaskFromColor : image:t -> color:SFColor.t -> alpha:int -> unit
val flipHorizontally : image:t -> unit
val flipVertically : image:t -> unit